Single tree pictured against a grey-skies backdrop, photo taken by Keith of arb consultancy


Arb Consultancy Ltd provide a comprehensive range of tree, landscape and ecology services for individual homeowners, commercial developers, local authorities and housing trusts and anyone else who needs our expertise.

Tree Reports (BS 5837 Surveys)

Arb Consultancy are adept at providing concise and focused BS 5837 tree reports to support householder and commercial planning applications.

We have a 100% success rate wherever our advice has been followed and implemented.

Image of tree with barrier around it for protection as Men work around it creating a driveway
Image of a typical landscape plan showing what types of trees and plants will be placed within the grounds of a property

Landscape Plans

Arb Consultancy offer landscape plans to clear planning conditions or support an application that seamlessly ties in with our arboricultural report and any other relevant expertise such as ecological reports.

As such, Arb Consultancy have a 100% Success rate to date in achieving planning approval for our landscape plans.


Arb Consultancy can provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for clients to include all three elements of arboriculture, landscape and ecology which all dovetail seamlessly together in an environmental planning package to support their application. 

By doing this we can relieve you of the administrative burden of managing three separate disciplines, and provide a more cost effective and joined up service.

Tree with a Bat Box attached
Tree fallen into middle of road and damaging a fence in the process and blocking the road entirely

Tree Safety Surveys

Trees are both an asset and a liability on any site.

Arb Consultancy can provide surveys to ensure you comply to the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, and your duty of care as an owner or manager.

Tree Decay Detection

If you need to find out more about the health or safety of the trees on your land Arb Consultancy can prepare reports to help make informed decisions about tree management and tree removal.

Resistograph machine resting against a tree for decay detection
Example of a witness expert statement

Arboricultural Expert Witness

Arb Consultancy are seasoned, experienced providers of expert testimony in legal proceedings related to trees and woody plants. 

Ancient & Veteran Trees

The management of ancient and veteran trees is a crucial aspect of arboricultural work in the UK.

Whether your ancient or veteran tree is on a development site or a domestic garden, Arb Consultancy can provide you with the expertise to ensure its successful long term management. 

Ancient tree with large hollow
English woodland

Woodland Management

Arb Consultancy collaborate closely with landowners, the Forestry Commission, conservation NGOs, and local governments to ensure that woodland management adheres to industry best practices, environmental rules, and conservation ideals.

Mortgage & Insurance Reports

Mortgage tree reports are often required by lenders as part of property transactions to assess potential risks and liabilities associated with trees on or near the property. 

Having a comprehensive mortgage tree report, can help prevent delays in the conveyancing process when selling, buying and developing property.

Cracked wall caused by tree roots which can affect mortgage valuations

Do you have a Tree, Landscape or Ecology Query?


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